A Guide To Cyber Security For Business
Does thinking about uploading all your clients’ sensitive data to the cloud make you nervous? It makes most people nervous. It’s a normal reaction. What’s not so well known, though, is that the cloud is actually the best place to store that sensitive data. When you’re shopping around for a company that offers cloud services, look for one that offers updated software, high quality encryption, and regular back-up. As long as those basic requirements are being fulfilled, then your data will be more secure than if you house it in your company computers.
Read: 5 Ways To Avoid A Ransomware Attack
Read: How To Block DDoS Attacks In The Cloud
Moving some or all operations to the cloud offers accounting and financial services firms a whole array of benefits. A bricks and mortar establishment is prone to burglary, fire, water damage, or any other kind of disaster. In the cloud, your data is safe. So, in the event that your office computer systems are hacked or otherwise damaged, you won’t lose all of that sensitive client data. Getting up and operational again will be an inconvenience, but not a disaster.
Your clients’ data is your business. Without it, doing the work you do for them would be difficult at best. So, yes, protecting that data is about good customer service. It’s also about something else. You are ultimately legally responsible for that data. You’re obligated by law to protect your clients’ sensitive information as best as possible.
Stop for a moment and think about all your employees who access client data. Think about how they use that data. Do they share it amongst themselves or with professionals outside of your company? Ensuring that the data is not shared inappropriately falls on your shoulders.
A good security system is essential.
Accounting and financial services firms need to move beyond adopting the usual responses to threat. The typical approaches include purchasing anti-virus software, installing firewalls, and asking employees to update their passwords every few months. The reality is that cyber criminals have their eyes trained on small- to medium-sized businesses.
Most smaller organizations don’t necessarily have the capital to invest in good security. So, they make easy targets for criminals looking for quick and easy financial gain and identity theft. Start protecting yourself by updating computer systems, web servers, and operating systems.
Do you need help moving your business to the cloud? Give us a call. We love talking with you!