Cloud resources offer higher security, greater flexibility, and improved cost-effectiveness for many small and mid-sized businesses. Consider how much of your company’s software may already be cloud hosted. Email providers, social media sites, image hosting sites, and even common office productivity software such as QuickBooks can be hosted in the cloud.
Cloud hosts install extensive security networks to protect against many cyber threats. According to InfoWorld, no major cloud provider has succumbed to a malware attack in the past several years. Such companies host data for many businesses, and as such, take great pains to install advanced security protection.
Insynq, the gold standard for cloud computing solutions, offers such a secure platform that it has experienced zero breaches in the past 20 years. The company offers QuickBooks hosting, QuickBooks Pro hosting, and more.
Cloud systems tend to offer greater protection than legacy systems because many were built with cybersecurity in mind. While an older legacy system may not have adequate safeguards in place, newer cloud systems are built to meet the latest threats, providing a solid defense. Think of an old-fashioned log cabin with nothing more than a bar across the interior door to prevent break-ins, compared with a modern home with a deadbolt lock, safety lights, and an alarm system linked to the police and fire departments. The log cabin is like a legacy system. It was built in a time when threats were from bear attacks, not people intent on robbing the home of its contents.
Data threats also increase with physical proximity. Because vendor systems, employee email systems, and other systems are housed separately, they are less likely to infect cloud-based systems in the event they are compromised.
Lastly, companies such as Insynq, which offers extensive cloud resources, also have cybersecurity experts to help them protect against the latest threats. Insynq monitors threats and proactively guards against them so that their SMB customers do not have to. Such services offer extensive expertise at a very reasonable price.
While you cannot protect against every potential threat to your business, you can and should be taking steps to safeguard against common cyber-attacks. With attacks on the rise and the potential for extensive damage to your business reputation, internal IT framework, and bank account, it pays to make time to shore up your cybersecurity defenses.
One way in which SMBs can do this easily and quickly is to migrate common applications such as QuickBooks accounting software to cloud hosts. Insynq, an experienced provider of cloud and hybrid cloud solutions, offers a cost-effective way to migrate software and services to the cloud. Cloud systems offer better protection against malware, viruses, and other malicious attacks.
A combination of steps taken by SMBs, along with greater adoption of cloud solutions, may offer more protection than going it alone. With these safeguards in place, you have a fighting chance against cybercrime.
Insynq: The Gold Standard for Cloud Services
Insynq partners with some of the industry’s best—Intuit, Microsoft, Dell-EMC, and others— to provide small businesses with leading applications such as QuickBooks, Sage, Lacerte Tax, Drake Tax, SAP, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Dynamics, Act!, and Goldmine CRM.
If you would like to find out more about Insynq’s proven expertise and excellence in cloud services, call the provider at 866-206-1781.
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