We’re Packing Our Bags!
We at Insynq will be travelling to Sage Summit 2016 in Chicago from Monday, July 25th thru Thursday, July 28th as a Silver Sponsor.
The team is excited to show off their new look and demonstrate the power of our Customized Cloud offerings. The entire Sage software catalog is available on Insynq’s hosted platform, along with any other piece of desktop productivity software you can dream of, and the results offer our clients a level of freedom and security that are otherwise unobtainable.
Find Us in Booth 711
We’re hoping you stop by and visit us at Booth 711 on the expo hall floor during the fantastic event that is expecting approximately 15,000 people to wander the halls over the course of 3 days! Our team is excited to shake hands and meet new people as well as any current clients who may be in attendance.
We also may have some pretty awesome giveaways to hand out, making your trip to our booth well worth your time. Hint hint..
See you in Chicago!