The Cloud Encourages Innovation
For in-house systems, innovation and experimentation can be an expensive risk. But the cloud makes it possible for businesses of all kinds to access new, cloud based technology as it becomes available to the service provider, and to incorporate innovative solutions to cloud storage and security as cloud environments and user needs evolve.
Because the cloud makes it possible to share data and collaborate on a global scale, the rapidly expanding scope of cloud services supports the efforts of users to innovate and pursue new opportunities within their own industries as well.
Cloud Services are Customizable
Some consumer-focused public cloud services offer standardized packages with some add on options, but cloud services can be customized to fit the evolving needs of any business or enterprise. Customized cloud providers can work with companies to construct a cloud service plan that includes the features and types of cloud storage that can accommodate the needs of the present and scale to allow for future growth. With customized cloud services, users can add features and services, or delete unnecessary ones, at any time with no impact on local systems.
Economical, flexible, and endlessly scalable, cloud computing provides solutions to existing concerns about data security and accessibility, and opens new doors for businesses of all kinds to take advantage of innovations in technology and data management with little risk and cost. Although cloud services have drawbacks and risks of their own, adopting a custom cloud solution can benefit not only businesses themselves, but also their industry partners, customers – and the environment they share.
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Gregory, Alyssa. “5 Ways to Use the Cloud in Your Small Business.” The Balance. 29 Sept 2016.
Lavoie. Andre. “Why Small Businesses Should Migrate to the Cloud.” Entrepreneur. 5 May 2015.
Morgan, Jamie. “5 Reasons Why the Cloud is Environmentally Friendly” Stratalux. 9 Dec 2015.
Schouten, Edwin. “5 Cloud Business Benefits.” Wired. Accessed 1 Mar 2018.
“Top 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing.” Information Age. Accessed 1 Mar 2018.
Why Move to the Cloud? 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing. SalesforceUK. 17 Nov 2015.